Kadang hidup itu seperti menghadapi sebongkah batu yg besar nan keras , dan kita menjadi lelah dan sangat lelahnya hingga hampir putus asa terhadapnya karena berkali2 bahkan puluhan kali kita memukul batu tersebut , namun tiada terpecahkan jua ... maka apalah yg tersisa selain keluh kesah dan juga putus asa ... merasa berat hidup ini ... namun tunggu .. janganlah cepat menyerah dan putus asa dan cobalah kau fahami dan ketahui bahwa di dalam batu nan keras tersebut sesungguhnya tersimpan sesuatu yg amat dan sangat berharga buatmu , sebuah harapan baru ... dan sesuatu yg akan bisa mengubah hidupmu ...
inilah mungkin yg akan bisa kembali membangkitkan gairah dan semangat kita di dalam menjalani kehidupan ...
Dan ketika cahaya Iman itu bersinar sangat terangnya di dalam hati kita
, melampau segala penderitaan yg kita rasakan dalam hidup ini ... maka
apalah kini arti dari penderitaan .. ? tidak ada ... sungguh ,
penderitaan akan sirna dalam syukur kita yg makin mendalam pada Allah
SWT ...
Bagaikan para wanita yang terpesona oleh ketampanan nabi Yusuf AS sehingga menjadi lupa dan tiada terasa lagi sakitnya teriris jari mereka ...
HOPE ...
Sometimes life is like the face of a big boulder and hard, and we became tired and very tired until almost hopeless for him because even many tens of times we hit the stone, but nevertheless not solved ... then whatever's left besides complaints and also despair ... feel the weight of this alive ... but wait .. do not be quick to give up and despair and you try to understand it and know that in the hard rock nan actually stored something withering and highly valuable to you, a new hope .. , and something that will change your life ...
it is possible that will be able to re-awaken passion and we are in life ...
And when the light shines so bright that faith in our hearts, beyond all the sufferings we experience in this life ... then something is now the meaning of suffering ..? no ... indeed, the suffering will disappear in our gratitude that deepens in Allah ...
Like the woman who enchanted by the beauty nabi Yusuf alaihissalam so that it becomes forgotten and no longer felt the pain cut their fingers
Bagaikan para wanita yang terpesona oleh ketampanan nabi Yusuf AS sehingga menjadi lupa dan tiada terasa lagi sakitnya teriris jari mereka ...
HOPE ...
Sometimes life is like the face of a big boulder and hard, and we became tired and very tired until almost hopeless for him because even many tens of times we hit the stone, but nevertheless not solved ... then whatever's left besides complaints and also despair ... feel the weight of this alive ... but wait .. do not be quick to give up and despair and you try to understand it and know that in the hard rock nan actually stored something withering and highly valuable to you, a new hope .. , and something that will change your life ...
it is possible that will be able to re-awaken passion and we are in life ...
And when the light shines so bright that faith in our hearts, beyond all the sufferings we experience in this life ... then something is now the meaning of suffering ..? no ... indeed, the suffering will disappear in our gratitude that deepens in Allah ...
Like the woman who enchanted by the beauty nabi Yusuf alaihissalam so that it becomes forgotten and no longer felt the pain cut their fingers
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